10-10-10 Challenge
Thanks for stopping by! I'm challenging myself to make a 10x10 cm painting in 10 minutes and give it to you for ONLY$10!
The original Blush Mountains was intended to be sold... but I loved it so much I couldn't let it go, so I decided to make another on this ADORABLE mini canvas. There you halve it folks, Blush Mountains Mini! Now available in my shop.
Which Mountain Painting Is Your Favorite?
Mighty Mountains is the second addition to the "Mini Creations" collection. Watch the piece come together in this video.
Birch trees have a very unique bark. It's white all over with black peeking out from it's cracks. Watch my rendition of a fall day in a birch forest... all in done in 10 minutes.
This painting is called Orange Fall. Its simple yet a huge statement. It took a few steps and 10 minutes to complete. Enjoy the process!